Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Searching By BEx Medium Text Problem in WebIntelligence, BO4.

In my project I faced with a problem when in a WEBI prompt window I selected value with medium text (value with text longer than 20 characters) and report didn't retrieve a data.
In this context a problem was with 0COSTCENTER hierarchy.
In other hand, when I run BEx report stand alone, and chose there in filter the same vale, BEx report retrieves data.
Firstly I checked my BEx Report from BICS connection and saw that in Characteristic properties -> display -> Text View is defined as Medium-Length Text.

It was logical, because I saw in prompt text longer than 20 characteristics, but only after selection of a long value report didn't retrieve a data.
After this, I checked InfoObject BEx definitions in RSA1 transaction, BW. To my surprise there also were good definitions: Text Type = 2 Medium-Length Text. But a report still didn't retrieve a data.

After a brainstorming with Valentin Gorelik (Senior BW Consultant), I decided to change "Provider-Specific Properties of the InfoObject". I chose in display property option "F Key and Text as Medium Text".

After these changes the WEBI start to work properly!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Drill-Down from Xcelsius chart to WEB Page

A common requirement in the dashboard is to Drill-Down from a chart to the web-page (WEBI Report/Bex Report/Google) with selected data.
I solved this issue by using "Insertion Option" of Chart component and URL Button component.
In this post I will explain the full solution with examples.
Firstly I used this data," Sales by Country and Month":

I created column chart on Xcelsius:

Chart Parameters:
·         Title: Sales Chart
·         Data: By Series
o   First series:
§  Name: Sheet1!$A$2
§  Values(Y): Sheet1!$B$2:$M$2
o   Second series:
§  Name: Sheet1!$A$3
§  Values(Y): Sheet1!$B$3:$M$3
o   Third series:
§  Name: Sheet1!$A$4
§  Values(Y): Sheet1!$B$4:$M$4
o   Category Labels:  Sheet1!$B$1:$M$1

Under the chart data on worksheet I filled additional cells:

The "Insertion Options of the chart" will be linked to these cells. Insertion Options Parameters:
·         Enable Data Insertion: Checked
·         Series Name Destination: Sheet1!$B$8
·         Insertion Type: Position
·         Series
o   North America:
§  Destination: Sheet1!$B$9
o   Europe:
§  Destination: Sheet1!$C$9
o   Asia:
§  Destination: Sheet1!$D$9
·         Insert On: Mouse Click
·         Default Section:
o   Series: North America
o   Item: 1

Defining of additional cells:
1.       B7 (Trigger Cell): =B8&B9&C9&D9
This cell will update them value on every change of cells: B8,B9,C9,D9, where these cells change on every click on chart
2.       B10 (Current Position): =IF(B8=A2,B9,IF(B8=A3,C9,IF(B8=A4,D9,0)))
This formula will choice a selection position from cells: B9, C9, D9 according to selected description (B8 selected series).
3.       B11 (Selected Month): =CHOOSE(B10,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1,G1,H1,I1,J1,K1,L1,M1)
This formula will choice a month from chart data according to position.
4.       B12 (URL North America): ="http://www.google.co.il/#q=North America Sales "&B11
This formula concatenates URL of North America data (In this example Google search page with constant string) and a selected Month.
5.       B13 (URL Europe): ="http://www.google.co.il/#q=Europe Sales "&B11
This formula concatenates URL of Europe data (In this example Google search page with constant string) and a selected Month.
6.       B14 (URL  Asia): ="http://www.google.co.il/#q=Asia Sales "&B11
This formula concatenates URL of Asia data (In this example Google search page with constant string) and a selected Month.
7.       B15 (URL): =IF(B8=A2,B12,IF(B8=A3,B13,IF(B8=A4,B14,"")))
This formula will choice a URL from B11, B12 and B13 according to a selected description (B8 selected series).
Of course in the same way we can put URL to Webi Report and transfer the month as prompt parameter.

Now create a URL Button, with these parameters:
·         URL: Sheet1!$B$15
·         Encode URL: Unchecked

URL Button Behavior parameters:
·         Trigger Cell: Sheet1!$B$7
·         When Value Changes: Checked

To hide the button just put it on Chart Area -left mouse click -> "Send to Back"
Run the Dashboard – its work!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My First Blog

Hey Folks,

My name is Aharon , and this is my first blog post.
I'm senior SAP BW/BI/IP consultant and also Android fan.
I decided to start blogging about various challenges,
which I deal with in my professional and personal life.

I hope this blog will be interest for you.
